Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Death ... how to take it ???

This is a question which raises for everybody atleast once at some point of time ! Sujatha, about whom i was talking in the post Deliver(y)ance, had delivered a boy baby 10 days back, who was very healthy in looks and just resembling his mother. She was very happy for him, though it was an unexpected early delivery. She just had few days for the "attachment" to grow with the little one, for whom she has been awaiting. A day before suddenly, with an unknown disease he deceased.
Everybody knows that death is a common phenomenon, as life is. In daily news, one comes across many of such cases, not just one, but that lies far to heart. Demise of old or ill can be taken, as one will have a clue to think of it and get ready! But if somebody who is closer leaves off unexpectedly forever , how one should take it ? Not philosophically but, practically ... If all this agony is due to the attachment or love, isn't it right for a mother to feel close and love her child ??


At 12:13 AM, Blogger Benkiman said...

The agony comes because the mother thinks that it is her own child (feeling of possession). But in stead if she starts thinking that it is a child of God and she has just been a medium for its existence in this world, it would be easier for her to accept its demise. Love still can flow but now in this case itwould be without attachment. If you say it is not practical and it is not applicable to the human being, then you are bound to suffer. There is no way other than taking the path of Spirituality which can give you the courage to face things as they are speacially unexpected death.

At 9:33 PM, Blogger Devi said...

I completely agree with u Muthu.. I myself feel funny about this post now. Got really emotional at that time, which I shouldn't have!


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